Grow your Business Online and Get More Leads

7+ Steps to Grow Your Business Online
Orebix Digital
Growing Your Business Online

How can you get your business message in front of your target audience? How do you grow your business online presence?

How do you get more business enquiries?

What will I learn in this guide? πŸ€”
You will learn the key points involved in successful digital marketing for your business. Including the importance of Performance Optimisation, SEO, PPC. Call to Action, CRM systems and email nurturing or sequences. Let’s get started 😎

What Can Your Business Expect from Digital Marketing?

Most small businesses that come to me for guidance are looking for more exposure. That may not be what your business needs, at least in the first instance.

More exposure is relatively easy to accomplish.

But if you do not convert those extra visitors, or if they do not at least remember your brand, then it’s a futile exercise and a waste of time and money.

At the core of any business should be its healthy relationship with its customers, how and why they reached out to you in the first place.

Knowing this will help your business in reaching your ideal audience with your targeted communications message.

Moving forward with a clear message and a well-defined CTA (call to action) will help you get new inquiries for your business and get those leads to convert.

How Do You Get More Leads? And How Do You Convert Them?

Here are some basic guidelines:



As a business, you need to make sure your content is relevant to your visitor’s needs.

Please do your best to answer their questions, intent, and expectations.


Signal Trust and Reliability

Ensure that your brand is trusted, and clearly show your key selling points wherever you can.

Good examples are next day delivery or one-to-one personal service.


Have a Modern, Sleek and Intuitive Website

As an online business, you need to have a responsive, well-performing presence.

Please do not frustrate your visitors by giving them a slow experience; they’ll leave and won’t return.

Optimise your website for speed, including images and landing pages.


Nudge Them Towards Taking Immediate Action

You can subtly influence your site’s visitors to perform any desired action by including a call to action in your copy or layout instructing your audience on what to do next. In strategic places, you may place CTA’s like

  • Call now!
  • Sign up!
  • Click here!
  • Download FREE!

CTA’s will help you get your visitors to that next step via your website.


Offer Them Freebies

Your visitor may not be ready to sign up or purchase your product just yet.

Offering them something small but relevant to them, like an ebook, research or datasheet, as a free download can get things started.

In return, before downloading, capture their contact details, at least their name and email. Capturing their name and email allows you to initialise a lead nurturing email campaign sequence showcasing your solution.

When a visitor moves forward with this lead magnet, you can engage them further and offer relevant upsells.


Make it Easy to Contact You

Include every method of contact your audience may want to engage you with.

Display options for phone, email, and chat.

Your landing pages should support lead collection that synchronises directly into your CRM for further action.


Communicate Freely and Go Beyond What They Expect of You

You must follow up in line with your promises and visitor expectations.

I suggest your CRM of choice emails out a welcome message to new leads, depending on which stage the prospect is at, beginning a nurture campaign and then your sales team can follow up accordingly.

Right, what’s next?

Ok, so your lead generation structure is in place. Your sales team are happy with the follow-up, closure, and onboarding procedures.

Next, let us talk about presence, advertising, and marketing.

How do I grow my business online presence with advertising and marketing?

Let us go way back, I mean way, way back, before Gutenberg invented the printing press. How did ideas spread back then?

How did we identify and engage our audience?

Let us look at the Bible, arguably the most famous socially marketed copy ever written.

I imagine this sacred text spread via word of mouth, with physical branches set up locally to engage their audience.

The branch had a speaker and a handwritten copy of the content as a guide to the message.

Before the printing press, only those who could afford it were able to create or obtain a hard copy.

Let alone having the opportunity to learn to read and write.

After the invention of the printing press, content became more accessible. With more accessibility, many more had the opportunity to become authors and publishers.

Printing helped users spread their stories, ideas, business opportunities and agendas.

With the printing press came easier content creation and distribution.

Since then, we have had telephone, telegrams, radio, tv, computers, the massive shift to digital, email and the world wide web.

Each of these platforms made media communications more easily accessible to more consumers and more businesses.

The Internet and mobile devices are doing the same again and are just getting more powerful every day.

The rise of Digital Media has changed our world.

Nowadays, it is much easier for an individual or a business to convert their ideas into content, distribute their message, engage audiences, and grow their following globally.

To grow your business online presence, you should take full advantage of the time and world we live in by creating and distributing smashing content to inform and engage your audience.

What Should I Be Using to Support My Online Presence?


Telephony Systems

Yes, it is obvious, but you need to have a telephone system to speak with your potential clients and existing customers.

There are quite a few SaaS platforms out there that will integrate with your business CRM or Support platforms.


Social Media Profiles

Having your brand present on social media today is a no brainer.

It is free at the point of use. It allows for easy communications and engagement.

And it is an excellent way to distribute your communications message and improve your online presence.


Website and Domain

Having a domain name for your brand, a website, and good content is important.

Your website is your business hub containing your business landing pages.

A good amount of your time and focus should be on your domain and website performance optimisation.

When I talk about website optimisation here, I mean:

  • CRO (Conversion Rate Optimisation).
  • Speed and Performance Optimisation.
  • And SEO (Search Engine Optimisation).

CRM, Customer Relationship Management

As a business, you need to create and follow a structured path for your potential new and existing customers, clients, and subscribers.

A CRM system will reign in all your business data into one platform, allowing for better management, analysis, and user experience.


Email Marketing

Yes, sending emails is a practice that is alive and well.

In fact, Emails are essential to your business first contact, sales, and support processes.

Your CRM will help you organise and store various email templates for customer contact, sales, marketing, and support.


Video Marketing

Video has been a big part of the engagement and conversion metric for a long time, even before the Internet.

Your business likely can and should use video materials to engage, promote and support your audience.


Applications / Apps

If it exists, there is probably an app for that; at least, that is what they say.

Your business can benefit from having one. Customers and clients that download your app are buying into your brand. They will have your business in their pocket, giving them access whenever they want.

Targeted Digital Marketing and Advertising, SEO and PPC

These last two points are the most important.

I firmly believe the most valuable traffic and visitors to your website or landing page will come from a search engine.

That is because search engine traffic is the most qualified traffic any business could expect.

Your new visitor has searched for a solution, your product or service, and arrived at your website with intent. Their intent may be to investigate, learn or buy the product or service which resolves their problem.

Let us talk about SEO first.


Search Engine Optimisation

SEO helps to make sure that your website, including your landing pages, is supported so that search engines can rank them on their results pages.

That is all there is to it.

The objective of being listed on search engine results pages is simple. With likely over 400 metrics to consider, methods that achieve this are not so simple.

There are many technical aspects of a website that search engines consider when ranking for search results. It is a good idea to have a third party complete a technical SEO audit.


Paid Advertising. PPC.

Google and Microsoft Search Engines, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram support Paid advertising on their platforms, a handful among many others that run an advertising model to support their business.

Setting up a paid advertising campaign can get qualified visits and instant results.

However, advertising on the Internet is somewhat technical, and not knowing what you are doing is a sure-fire way to lose your money and be frustrated with the results.

If you do not know what you are doing, it is best to hire a professional to help you.

In Conclusion, How do I get better exposure and build an online presence?

Understanding and following the points raised will help you and your business achieve a better online presence, more brand exposure, leads and customers.

By utilising SEO and PPC advertising methods through social media and search engines, you will drive traffic to your sales pages. Ensure to optimise your copy, including CTA and straightforward methods to get in touch. By gathering and acting on data using CRM platforms and processes, you will maximise your business potential.

Thank you for reading!

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If you have any questions about growing your business online presence, getting more leads, or digital marketing in general, please post them in the comment section below, and I will answer them all.

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